Yay! We’re back to two updates a week.
So, the pink meta-human lady doesn’t care to use a door.
Also, we hit 100 episodes on the ACP! Check it out –
Yay! We’re back to two updates a week.
So, the pink meta-human lady doesn’t care to use a door.
Also, we hit 100 episodes on the ACP! Check it out –
Yay! We’re back to two updates a week.
In today’s page, Pendragon’s ninja-like friend shows off her skills
Being a metahuman for hire has it’s ups and downs. The country is relatively stable, apart from the odd flare up, so most supers who are employed to look after high priority targets end up sitting around doing little or next to nothing, like most security guards.
This trio aren’t going to have an easy go of it this time though!
Apology –
I’d like to apologize for the lack of updates last week. I was a mental week and I just couldn’t get this page done in time. On the plus side, from next week, we are back to two updates a week! Hooray!
Pendragon popped up in the webcomic Love Is Undead. It’s a great comic created by the talented J.M. Bryan.
Jordana and Guy find themselves in a real bind. Both are (unwisely) pinning their futures on somebody else.
Guy, a total city boy and completely out of his element. He’s relying on Jordana, someone he’s just met, to get him to back to London and to safety.
Jordana on the other hand, is also at a real low point. Although she’s been trained extensively by her dad, the only plan she has has right now is to ‘get her father out’ and let him take care of everything.
It’s a plan that’s very ill thought out, as the pair are about to discover.
Pendragon popped up in the webcomic Love Is Undead. It’s a great comic created by the talented J.M. Bryan.
Silent Guardian
We jump back the the facilty in Fordingbridge. As mentioned a page or two back in the exchange between Pendragon and the mysterious girl, ‘he’ is indeed outside… as are Guy and Jordana!
How will this play out?!
Pendragon popped up in the webcomic Love Is Undead. It’s a great comic created by the talented J.M. Bryan.
It appears Vaughan wasn’t decapitated by the steel cable stretched across the road. However, he’s not conscious to realise that a ‘retirement’ contract has been put out on his nearest and dearest, Guy Newman!
I’m REALLY behind on the comments! Apologies. I’ve stopped getting notifications when new comments are made, hence why I missed a load. Will get cracking on them asap!
Hello loyal readers!
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?
Last time we saw Vaughan, he was crossing the Channel to get back up to town to see if he could track down his partner, Guy. Now, several hours later, he’s bombing down to Dorset in an effort to find him.
Why does he wear his sunglasses at night?
I’m REALLY behind on the comments! Apologies. I’ve stopped getting notifications when new comments are made, hence why I missed a load. Will get cracking on them asap!
Hello loyal readers!
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?
Down in sub-level 04, Pendragon is getting cleaned up after the scanning procedure (previous pages). Wanted to take a little break from the dialogue heavy pages and let the art breath for a moment.
Who’s this addressing Pendragon? Any guesses?
Hello loyal readers!
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?
We now find ourselves in the secure facility at Fordingbridge, currently being run By Alfred McPhaidon. You remember him. He was the ‘inside man’ at Number 10 in the first VANGUARD arc.
Things don’t seem to have gone too great for him, but he obviously sees some potential in the current situation to rectify that.
You’ll get you the skinny on those three Metas in the next few pages 😉
Hello loyal readers!
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?
We jump back to see what’s happening in the VR board room. Well for one thing, the board don’t seem to be aware of Jordana… yet. Paul/Pendragon might not break, but his two daughters in captivity just might.
What does the board have in store for Pendragon? You’ll find out, soon enough,
Hello loyal readers!
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?