See you then, Van fans!
I wish you a happy Christmas and hope you have a brilliant New Year.
See you then, Van fans!
I wish you a happy Christmas and hope you have a brilliant New Year.
The last page of issue five!.
McPhaidon has put out arrest warrants on the whole team, including a ‘kill on sight’ for Pendragon, but Ophelia is on case…
I’m currently looking for any fan art to run for a couple of weeks while I get the script for the next issue sorted. Please contact me if you do! Thanks in advance.
I’m also working on pages for the next issue of Reynard City, a great anthropomorphic superhero comic about super hero foxes…
Thanks for all the comments and taking the time to read Vanguard. Also, why not join the Vanguard Facebook page ?
See you next week!
The penultimate page of issue five!.
McPhaidon gets up to speed from his top boy, Thade. What intel is/was on the download off of the Blue-River server that’s so valuable to McPhaidon?
Feeling a real burn out at the moment. Have had a massive work load at my ‘proper’ job and a few freelance jobs on the go as well. I’m currently looking for any fan art to run for a couple of weeks while I get the script for the next issue sorted. Please contact me if you do! Thanks in advance.
I’m also working on pages for the next issue of Reynard City, a great anthropomorphic superhero comic about super hero foxes…
Thanks for all the comments and taking the time to read Vanguard. Also, why not join the Vanguard Facebook page ?
See you next week for the last page of the issue!
A trap has been set for Pendragon, should he decide to see what happened at the General’s mansion and things look bleak for the general’s wife and Mai-Xian…
Looks like dark days ahead for our heroes!
Thanks for all the comments and taking the time to read Vanguard. Also, why not join the Vanguard Facebook page ?
Have a great day!
In a desperate attempt to fight his way out of the situation, General Phelps has paid the ultimate price.
Thanks for all the comments and taking the time to read Vanguard. Also, why not join the Vanguard Facebook page ?
Have a great day!
Hello Van-fans!
In this page, Neil Thade refers to the bunker at Sibay.
Section Nine, along with Ophelia, dropped in there and found it had been attacked by the same kind of armoured mercs the Vanguard encountered in Burma.
So, why were Section 9 sent there? What do you think?
I do love comments… (hint)
Thanks for all the comments and taking the time to read Vanguard. Also, why not show people how cool you are by joining the Vanguard Facebook page ?
Welcome back Van-fans!
In today’s page: Section 9’s resident cyborg, Revok, offers up some culinary tips.
I’m in the process of assembling the first five issues of Vanguard into a trade paperback. Once issue five is done, I’ll have a few printed to give away as prizes. Keep ’em peeled.
Also, once five is done, I’m going to take a few weeks off, do some pin-up stuff, while I work on the script for the next issue.
Can you spare a moment to vote for Vanguard?
Thanks for reading/commenting!
Hello and welcome!
Pendragon and Cates are hundreds of miles away and are in no position to help General Phelps, his wife and the analyst, Mai-Ling, for they are at the mercy of Thade and Section 9. Will the General spill the beans and give up Ophelia as a spy? Will Pendragon be able to help them?
There’s a good chance that this is your first visit to the site. I’ve placed an ad on the most excellent Ink Outbreak to promote this comic, so if you have found yourself here because of it, welcome!
You join us at the later part of issue five, so I’d suggest tracking back to the beginning and getting yourself up to speed.
I’m in the process of assembling the first five issues of Vanguard into a trade paperback. Once issue five is done, I’ll have a few printed to give away as prizes. Nice, eh?
Can you spare a moment to vote for Vanguard?
Thanks for reading/commenting!
Hello and welcome!
I would have imagined long time readers would have guessed who the mystery person on the end of the Sat-phone was… Neil Thade, team leader of Section Nine. Things look bleak.
There’s a good chance that this is your first visit to the site. I’ve placed an ad on the most excellent Ink Outbreak to promote this comic, so if you have found yourself here because of it, welcome!
You join us at the later part of issue five, so I’d suggest tracking back to the beginning and getting yourself up to speed.
I’m in the process of assembling the first five issues of Vanguard into a trade paperback. Once issue five is done, I’ll have a few printed to give away as prizes. Nice, eh?
Can you spare a moment to vote for Vanguard?
Thanks for reading/commenting!