Introducing: The Vanguard
You may already know me through me by my work on Heroes Unite/Retake/Relik, but if not, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dan Butcher and I’ve been posting comics on Drunk Duvk for about four years now. This is my first foray into taking on both the writing and art duties on a title. A challenge, for me at least.
Coming shortly will be a series of character sheets which will appear periodically through out January, before the Vanguard comic launches in full in February. These should give you a glimpse of the characters/what to expect.
I hope you enjoy!
Discussion (6) ¬
Hey I just found your comic, wanted to check it out since I’m into the superhero thing (got my own comic on the subject) but I wanted to say it looks like your cast list link is messed up. The link starts with httphttp:// and even if you cut/paste it and remove the extra http, it just takes you to a 404 page. I’d hit you up on twitter or something but you don’t have any contact info on the page that I could find.
Hey Dave,
Thanks for pointing out the cast list fault. I’m still in the process of developing the site. I’m no really skilled as a web developer, so I’m trying to learn what I can as I go along.
Got to add a Twitter and Facebook button!
I’m usually happy to help out with CSS tweaks, the “why is this box in the wrong place” sort of stuff. Actual “coding” I’m not so useful at. Hit me up on twitter when you’re set up @grrlpowercomic
Excellent! Thanks Dave. Consider yourself ‘followed’!
I came here off a link from Grrlpower, and first issue, find this convo. that’s awesome.