V07 – Pg09
We’re still with Gradlon/Wolfero as he continues his stint in the service of Team Xtreme. So, Die-Blood is sleeping with women who are desperate for food. Nice.
Die-Blood was written to be a dark reflection of Gradlon. A ‘what if’ he’d been as selfish and cold hearted as he thought he was. Obviously, Gradlon does have a heart and is struggling to deal with this Faustian bargain he’s made.
About Die-Blood, he’s an easy character to dislike… motivated by his own pleasure and seeks what he can ‘get out of the World’, like it owes him something.
Vanguard has several cast members who are essentially ‘dark reflections’ of other characters within the story. Some will be pretty obvious, others not so much.
Not very happy with the art on this one. Seems a very static page.
Edited by
Gary Cohen
Gary writes an excellent webcomic called Mallville Rules and is well worth reading.
He’s so awful!! Desperate situations lead people to do desperate things, and the fact that he’s taking such terrible advantage makes me want to punch him with all my fury…
He and the rest of the team are pretty despicable. Sadly, we’ll always get people like this who cash in on others misery 🙁
Power corrupts, etc etc.
Didn’t like this guy to start with, but now…. eurgh.
Yup, he’s a gigantic douche.
Nicely done charaterisation with this “hero” Die-Blood, Dan. A guy like this in other works would be a straight-up villain – ’cause no way would a hero be so despicable, right?
Thank you! Die-Blood is a villain, it’s just in the Vanguard world, the line between good and bad is very blurred indeed. Doing bad things for the ‘good guys’ can be justified, ’cause we (whoever we are), are the ‘goodies’.
In our world what is good and bad have been blurring for a long time. You know what is most feared force in this world of ours? Not any of the pennie annie groups, it is the USA which is feared throughout the world now and into the future as it continues its transformation into the empire some have wanted it to be for over 100 years. That is my nightmare world when the US falls and the Holy American Empire rises from its shattered shell. The parasite becomes the new host. The US has never been closer.