V10 – Pg03
Sometimes I find it very difficult to know what to write in this bit…
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I’m also pleased to announce Gary Cohen has taken on more of the writing/story duties for the upcoming issues. He’s taking our ideas and giving them a polish/spin that’ll really make something special.
It’s gunna be good! 🙂
Edited/Co-Written by
Gary Cohen
That last panel is awesome! Looks like Woden’s returned 😀
Undead Granlon?
Yeah, I didn’t want to go to sleep tonight anyway…
Err.. No it ain’t an older Spitfire. (0_0)
Unless he learned some really convincing illusions that is.
If anything, animal changing would more of seem to be up Woden’s alley. But I don’t think it would look quite this way. (It’s actually the eyes that put me off there.)
definitely Woden
That looks like a big scary bear
next page, next paaaaage 😀