V10 – Pg08
‘It’s the old Bill!’
The suited city guy’s evening takes a turn for the worse… but here come the Police – Hooray!
The following sequence is written almost entirely by Mr Gary Cohen, based on some super rough outline I wrote. He’s turned into something great. Enjoy!
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Edited/Co-Written by
Gary Cohen
Oh my. Robots? Or people in suits?
Ah ha – You’ll find out in a page or two!
Why do I feel things didn’t get better?
Things haven’t got that much better… as you’ll see.
You mean “The Suits not going to get a steel toed jackboot up his arse from the fuzz?”
Ha ha! That could well happen!
Soo… You pay for services directly. And there are different tiers available for those who can afford it.
Also: The good old Widows and Orphans Fund. Never enough money in it, is there?
Very much like the healthcare system in the US (although is has changed of late), if you’re covered, all is fine and dandy. If not, a big bill is coming your way.
I think you’d better read the fineprint on those contracts.
What Lukkai said. What no one has said is that alot of people have also lost coverage over Ocare. Or the fact that alot of providers arent covered because the renumeration is extremely stingy for the healthcare providers. Or the ludicrous idea of the government holding a tax gun to your head and forcing you to buy a private enterprise product.
O care is alot of things ( 2000+pages of law passed in a weekend ) but the biggest supporters of it have been the insurance companies…that should clue you in about who really profits from Ocare…..
You know the whole moaning about Obamacare seems quite weird to me. At least when it comes to the principle of it. (I don’t know enough of the details to give a deeper analysis there.)
I am Swiss after all. And from a part of the country where health insurance has been mandatory since… Okay, I didn’t find the exact year. But it was between 1914 and 1920. So quite a while. And while the system isn’t perfect and the political sides often bicker about how to improve it, it does generally work rather well.
So far this future isn’t so bright
I always imagine the future to be a little bleaker than it is now, when really, we have it pretty good now, compared to out ancestors, imo at least.
In 1968 2 movies came out. 2001 a space odyssey and Planet of the Apes. Looking at all the protests for the Ferguson liquor store robber killed by a white cop which one came true?
I think good science fiction stories, the ones that stand the test of time at least, are the ones that tell explore modern issues in futuristic/alien settings. 1984 stands as a great example of this, as does Brave New World. I’d consider 2001 and Planet of the Apes good entertainment, but lacking the qualities of dealing with ‘issues’. Living in a Police state has been explored many times in fiction. It never usually turns out well.
I dub them ARLED’s. Autonomous Robotic Law Enforcement Drones. ( assuming they are machines and not guys in spiffy suits ofcourse 😀 ) Lets see how they handle this.
I like that name! Nice one!
Thanks 😀 feel free to use it if you want 😀