V12 ā Pg23
She’s Outta There!
Jordana has had enough. She is done with this and heads back home. Many of you thought that poor Guy wouldn’t make it through the night. He surprised us all š
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No doubt about it, Guy is the luckiest bastard in this comic so far.
He’s managed to live! It’s an achievement in this comic – lol
Guy, it is YOU who must become…
Well…. that was certainly unsatisfying. She talks a big game but in the end she just wimps out. Way to avenge your friend there. I’m sure the next victims of this psycho family will appreciate you letting them live.
This will certainly be backfiring on Jordana!
And thats without considering how cheesed off Herne will be with her.
“Iām sure the next victims of this psycho family will appreciate you letting them live.”
This sums up my problem with all Batman comics as well.
Yeah, way too go! Show them how “superior” you are! THROW MORE INNOCENT VICTIMS ON THE PYRE OF YOUR PRIDE! Yay!
The problem with someone like the Punisher is few recurring villians. Can’t use the Joker or Two-Face for future stories if Batman kills them now can we?
Plus in-universe, killer vigilantes are more likely to be hunted by law enforcement authorities than vigilantes with no-kill codes. Of course you’re right, no-kill codes carry their own set of consequences, both for the hero and past and future victims of the villains they allow to live.
Oh, yeah, I completely understand why, from a writer’s perspective, that you don’t want your good villains to die – they are HARD to come up with, so much time and effort to get right.
But seriously, in the real world, the Joker would have had a bad case of “died while trying to escape” by the third or fourth try, because we actually VALUE the “faceless nobodies” in our world. Just because you’re crazy doesn’t make it OK for you to kill lots of people, OK?
The reason the cops (or vigilantes) can’t just execute people has nothing to do with whether it’s right or not (there’s nothing special about due process that changes whether or not you killed someone), it’s a TRUST factor – we don’t want to put that much trust in any one person or set of people, because the history of that kind of thing is REALLY REALLY REALLY bad (summary: they become the problem they’re supposed to protect people from, only with the full power of law behind them).
But somebody like the Joker? Or this little unrepentant multiple-murderer (whom the Joker would probably approve of quite fondly)? Yeah, the proper response is death. Even if you consider it murder, it’s FEWER murders than any other available solution. Anything else you do that involves her getting to kill another innocent bystander is the WRONG solution.
The real problem isn’t Batman in those stories. Every one of the villains that batman bags he hands over to the police. It is the city government and courts that keep sending the Joker and others to the asylum rather than the firing squad.
Legally, yeah, they’re going to put them back into the asylum (I’m not going to get into that can of worms here), but the problem is that, a) somebody is going to NOT miss the guy when they shoot at him sometime (LOTS of chances), and/or b) SOMEBODY (like one of the guards, even) is going to just MURDER him while he’s in prison sometime.
Yes, technically, it would be murder (ethically, I would call it a just execution, or even pre-emptive self-defense in the Joker’s case), but the thing is, SOMEBODY would do it after the third or fourth time he got out and had a double-digit body count, and yes, the guy would be prosecuted (and maybe pardoned after the fact).
SOMETHING would happen to him. In the real world, people don’t get to go on multiple murderous rampages and just magically get put back into the solitary confinement sieve.