Hooray! The first actual page!


This has been drawn for a few weeks now and it’s good to see it go up. Who is this guy? All I can say at the moment is, this man is borderline psychotic, clinging to the last vestiges of his humanity with broken and bloodied fingernails… and he spells trouble for our heroes!


He appeared in VANGUARD issue 11 and has also appeared in the first arc a couple of times. He’s never had his name spoken but has been a player of sorts. I’ll run a competition at some point for eagle eyed readers to point him out in the back issues. It’s good to have a character like this, setting them up, playing the long game and when they finally appear, it’s like one’s hard work is coming to fruition.


For February, I’m trying my hardest to get VANGUARD in the top 100 over on the Top Webcomic site. I’d super appreciate it if you could give the comic a vote and add it to your favourites. It only takes two clicks to vote! Thanks in advance.


If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon page. Soon I’ll be uploading the previous issues in PDF format onto there. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?


An upvote for this page on Reddit would be most appreciated. Thank you!