V13 – Pg09
Coma Crisis
Last issue, The Wolfshead and Woden raided the De Tonerre mansion. Woden gave Lord T a ‘Glasgow Kiss’ during the incident. Ginny is back on air, after a short stint without access to her cameras.
We also get to meet Rupert De Tonnerre, oldest of the siblings. He’s also responsible for keeping the De Tonnerre business running… and as we’ll find out in the next page, is having a tough time of it!
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Oh my god she is dumb… I mean, we already knew she was dumb, but holy shit she is dumb.
I hope we find out who Deadlus is.
Considering that his father and oldest sister appear to be complete ditzes and his youngest sister is a psychopath, I can imagine that Rupert has a lot to juggle to keep them from doing lasting harm to the family name/brand.
Won’t anybody think of Ginny?!
Poor poor Rupert, if he has to put up with idiots like this all day.
been slowly working my way through the archives as time permits, and am really enjoying this so far. I usually wait until i get to the end to make a comment but i just have to say…. Doshdrop has to be the greatest name for a money transfer service ever.
Also…. oy these people need a brain transplant. not the host, they’re probably well paid to be so shallow but the people watching.