V15 – Pg15
Strategies of Control
So here we take a look at some of the tactics the current regime enact to retain control. The principles are based not only on the work of Bernays but also on the observations of Chomsky.
I’m sure you’ll be more than able to draw parallels between what is outlined here to what you see in play out in the real world.
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Funny, I feel like I just watched a Prager University clip on tyranny.
Didn’t get the reference so I looked it up. The style is very similar.
So was this propaganda ripped off of the corporate / government sites or did the rebels whip this up as part of their own propaganda to indoctrinate new recruits into being more sympathetic to their cause? Not to imply that the current status quo is acceptable but if you’re going to institute a change you better make sure that the new boss isn’t the same as the old boss.