V15 – Pg23
Re-form the Vanguard
And here Thade finally gets to pop the question. Will Pendragon re-form the Vanguard? Find out on Friday!
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You dog, setting up the story so that the father and daughter will come into conflict with one another.
Certainly looks like it! Pendragon’s no dope though. I refuse to believe that he is actually falling for this but things are kinda grim where he is standing. You can see it on his face. He’s running every scenario he can think of through his head.
Saying no is going to have consequences for him and his daughters. Saying yes might be the only way to stay alive. He might be able to do some good from within. A slippery slope given who his new bosses will be…..
First word should be “You’re”, not “Your”.
And I suppose Thade and Lokust would remain behind the scenes and not be part of this new Vanguard?