V16 – Pg30
You’ll NEVER win
The Wolfshead needs the people if she hopes to free the United Kingdom from tyranny… and shes not afraid to talk some smack while doing it.
So, we’re nearing the end of issue 16. I tried SO HARD to keep this issue to 21-24 pages, but sailed over it with ease. I look back at the comic and it’s pretty tight. Maybe there’s a scene or two I could have dropped, but what the hey, it’s a webcomic. I can make it how many pages I want 😉
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon page. Soon I’ll be uploading the previous issues in PDF format onto there. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot? It all helps keep this comic going.
Dan. B
… no crowd reaction?
… ummmmm. kThxCyaBai *BAMPH*
I too was puzzled by the lack of reaction. I guess they see this sort of hijinks all of the time.
It could be stunned silence, it could be years of learned obedience in a system they grew up in, but more than likely its fear that the ever present authority knows who each and every one of them are, knows where they live, and will be reviewing every second of video to see if any of them cheered or even cracked a smile so they can pay a visit to them and…re-educate them.
They’re are all furiously tweeting & facebooking their opinions, like we all do.. cowards. haha