V17 – Pg14
Chemical Leash
We jump back to ‘the present’ with the Red Council confronting MaXamillian regarding his actions from the previous issue.
MaX is kept under control by the council by the use a ‘chemical leash‘. If he doesn’t take doses of the retro-virus the council provide him, he’ll lose his abilities and his body will turn upon itself and start to breakdown, kinda like Lupus.
I’ve started a new initiative on the comic’s Patreon page.
At the end of every month, I’ll be uploading a Patreon Artist Pack. It’ll be a zip file full of artist materials, including .PSD files, photoshop actions and more. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot? It all helps keep this comic going.
Dan. B
dang, that dude is dense…one track juvenile idiot brain. I earned my YTC number and he makes me look like Newton.
He’s not wrong… it’s just that the price is not always money. And really, he (and they) should know – they have HIS price, and they remind him of it right there.
MaX sees the world in terms of money and worth. He knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing.
That was smart….not.
The council just took one of his motivations to stay loyal, crushing his ego as well.
He will lash out, even if it costs him his life.
They will be lucky if they dont become the target of his ire…he might spill the beans.
Oh, burn.
It looks like there is a misspelling in the seventh panel, lesh instead of leash. “We have you on a tight lesh.”
He is not the last A1, Spitfire is.