V19 – Pg08
Russia – 11 Years Ago
There’s a 15 year gap between the events of the first arc and the beginning of the second. We now find out some of what Cates did during that period…
The last time we saw Cates, he was languishing in a coma or sorts, after being attacked by the 2-uid’s KNIGHT ORDER.
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon page. Soon I’ll be uploading the previous issues in PDF format onto there. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot? It all helps keep this comic going.
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon page. Soon I’ll be uploading the previous issues in PDF format onto there. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot? It all helps keep this comic going.
Dan. B
Loving the background art, interested to see where this flashback leads….