V21 – Pg19
This pages mark’s the death of Jenny Daly, whom detonated the C4 beneath her wheelchair, killing Chad and Rad, and shows Quirin being shot by Thade.
Things are looking bleak for our heroes.
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Dan. B
Bugger! Now I hate Thade as much as X-Bow! ….Okay, that’s not true, but he’s definitely in my bad books.
Oh well.
Always keep your eye on the birdie.
If that was supposedly up his sleeve, it *definitely* needs to be a much smaller weapon.
Not sure what other explanation could be on offer, though.
Plot armor at its finest.
How strong is Thade? As strong as the scene needs
How fast is Thade? As fast as the scene needs
How lucky is Thade? As lucky as the scene needs
How prepared is Thade? As prepared as the scene needs
How willing is his opponent to kill him? As willing as the scene needs
The Quirin will be back!