V22 – Pg23
The Hollow Men are back! We last saw them all the way back in issue nine
I’ve been rushing these pages a little, so there’s a litany of spelling errors. I’ll go back and amend these asap
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon page. Soon I’ll be uploading the previous issues in PDF format onto there. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot? It all helps keep this comic going.
Dan. B
Oh the little angels, see how they rise up. How do they rise up?
40K vibes. Wonder where they got all the insane and utter fanatics…
Wait, is this who Max is using as “groomsmen”?!??!!? Wow, that’s even sicker than I expected from him.
(Also, dumber – he’s been shown to be coldly intelligent most of the time, at least since the loss of his eye.)
Warhammer 40K vibes, indeed. I’m thinking Necrons.