ROK TV: ‘MaXimum Extreme’ – featuring Rob Van Winkle
The selling out NEVER ends!
As you may or may not be able to tell, MaX is firing off insults and future versions of Bombshell , Azumorph ,Relik and Acrobat .
Bombshell has a few wrinkles 20+ years from now, but is still looking good 😉
As always, if you’d be interested in have YOUR character(s) appear in the comic, PQ me 🙂
Please take a moment to cast a vote for Vanguard. Button on the top left of this message. Thanks in advance!
The Vanguard Facebook page is going strong. Looking to post up a massive competition with some great prizes on there in a few weeks. Just waiting for the ‘official’ site to get up to speed with this one.
More artwork to follow before issue five kicks off. Keep em peeled.
I do so love to world build! And to watch others world build too!
Yep, that “rap” song sure sounds “really great.”