Previously in VANGUARD (2 of 2)
Hello Again!
Every issue, I take a page or two to get reader up to scratch on what happened in the previous issue.
As you may or may not know, VANGUARD updates on Wednesdays and Fridays, BUT if you’re a Patreon of the comic, you’ll get peek at work behind the pages
As with every issue, a page (or two) to help readers get back up to speed/introduce new readers into the comic. The ‘Proper’ pages start updating next week. Hooray!
Tony Esmond, creator of Atomic Hercules and head honcho over at Tribute Press, was kind enough to do a write up on VANGUARD. Tony is not only a comic creator in his own right, but produces a comic discussion podcast as well as reviewing comics on his blog, Never Iron Anything.
Every week, Vince, Tony and I talk comics nonsense on The Awesome Comics Podcast too 😉
Dan. B
I am so ready for the next issue of Vanguard!!!
It’s gonna be a fun one!