V01 Pg09 on January 23, 2012 at 6:01 am Share this:TweetRedditShare on TumblrMoreEmail └ Tags: Issue One, Pages Related Comics ¬ V01 Pg13 V01 Pg02 V01 Pg04 Flash Intro V01 Pg18 V01 Pg19
when your a super hero people rarely call/visit for anything good.
Yeah, when you’re a superhero, when that phone rings, it’s probably not going to be for a good reason!
Yeah, either it’s a national disaster, or yet another telemarketer. Either way, not good.
Indeed. Off they go to save the day 🙂
MI5 is domestic.
MI6 is international. So they deal with global issues too? Good.
We can see more of this future alternate world.