‘We Booze, They Lose’ – Stella Newspaper
Ouch. Looks like the British press are gunning for Woden. Photographed drinking the luxury Whisky Gradlon ‘acquired’ for him, it’s sure to bring a wave of hostile feelings towards our heroes!
The fact that the American super team, Eagle-5 was decimated on information supplied by our government, there’s going to be some painful questions to answer!
Find out how this all plays out in the next issue of Vanguard, which will start as in a day or two.
Another spot on spoof, even the layout is perfect. Good work 🙂
Thanks man!
I bet that’s photoshopped. Maybe he was saluting and some faker faked the bottle into his hand.
Well, he was drinking in the Hospital. The bottle of whisky Gradlon got him on the blackmarket. That came back to haunt him big time.
( More seriously, I bet he didn’t think much about it. Not enough to hide the bottle when that very lucky photographer caught him… what’s the big deal, I would have done the same.
On the other hand – while whisky is a quite natural thing, it still has an influence on the mind. Would it be a natural thing for a Druid to find fun in consuming such substances? Here I don’t know, maybe yes, maybe not.
On the third hand 😉 – Of all heroes who where there and got injured, Woden seems to me to be the most likely one for drinking whisky. Right before Gradlon. 🙂 )
Woden/Stevie kinda plays loose and fast with the rules. He classes himself as a pagan/druid and claims that is the source of his abilities, yet that is unproven.
The reason that this turns the public against him is that the general populace at this point is scraping by on meagre rations, yet here is someone in a privileged situation knocking back luxury whisky, while supposed to be on those same rations. That’d sure annoy me too.
Just wanted to say that I am indeed still waiting on pages 18-22
Ah, that is a story only you are qualified to tell, Fuku…
Chinese invasion of Taiwan is sidelined for a drunk celebrity? British tabloids! I wonder whose narrative they are pushing…