V05 – Pg21
This issue is going to be passing the 30 page mark, easy. Still have a lot of story to tell before issue six!
I’m in the process of assembling the first five issues of Vanguard into a trade paperback. Once issue five is done, I’ll have a few printed to give away as prizes. Nice, eh?
Can you spare a moment to vote for Vanguard?
Hey Dan, I wanted to get in touch with you about the Heroes Alliance page you said you would do–whether you are working on it, whether you can or can’t do it, or the like. Please get in touch with me.
As to the page, I do like how innocent Luke looks. It really juxtaposes with all we’ve seen of the experienced Vanguard (or former Vanguard, in the case of Gradlon and Ophelia).
Thanks for the comments! I’m glad Luke is coming across like that, as That’s exactly how I was trying to portray him 🙂
Totally forgot about that project! Can you send me a link to the script/forum post?