V10 – Pg25
It seems to be working out ok for Guy at the moment? Maybe his troubles are over? … and William Vaughan? He’ll be popping up later 😉
Who is Justin Bearman?
Well, apart from being Guy’s (ex)boss, he’s mentioned here in this blog post in an effort to raise money for charity. Please visit the site and take a read of the blog post.
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
See you Friday,
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Discussion (11) ¬
Looks like you Dan!
Who looks like me?! Lol
Another great page, also, way to tie in Bearman’s charity challenge!
Yes. We are charitable as all get out.
Awesome. Thanks so much. Were the green eyes for my benefit too?
Also if you have a 125×125 banner for your cartoon, I am happy to put it on my page as a small thank you!!
bearmancartoons at yahoo
Hopefully he doesn’t get to do all the crap work
Justin Bearman??? Is Justin his real 1st name? Have you let the cat errr… bear out of the bag?
I believe it’s “Let the cat out of the bear.”
Are these guys terrible shots or do they just really hate doorframes?
I think a little of column A and a little of column B 🙂