V10 – Pg26
Hello there!
Apologies for the single page a week updates. I’m always really super busy at work at this point in the year. I work on a weekly magazine and it is essentially double the normal size this week. Eek!
Who are these two characters and how will the fit into the story? They’ll be trouble, trust me.
The awesome Neil Ford did some amazing Daedalus fan-art. Go to a looksie!
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
The Vanguard Patreon account is up and running. There are a variety of rewards on offer including art tutorials, sketches and upcoming design for the comic. please consider donating a $1. It all helps. Thank you!
See you next time, Van-Fans!
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
uh oh, psychotic spoiled brats alert.
If you’re going to be a psychopath having rich / influential parents helps.
money is what separates eccentric from crazy
Well, this can’t possibly go badly.
it’s not ideal
Dan, you’re scaring the children… by children of course I mean your readers.
be afraid. be very afraid
brings back memories of old cartoons…an old looney toons cartoon about a dog who gets a squirrel companion and he hugs him and pets him and calls him george…ends up crushing the poor critter cause he doesn’t know his own strength.
I think you’re confusing bugs bunny and Of Mice and Men
Another great page, as always. By the way, is it a coincidence that the Dust Bunny Mafia poster just so happens to be hanging in a deranged little girls wall? I think not…
We had a big conversation of whether we should have a dead body or a dustbunny mafia poster. Which one would show the depths of her depravity. We couldn’t decide.
So you put in both! Excellent choice.
And now his regret will set in
well not quite yet. He hasn’t reported for his first day. he’s still in general with the usual pyschopaths
So guy is going to be in the clutches of a creepy child who quite probably has super powers of her own and no one who likes him (virtually no one apparently) can or will do anything about it. Fantastic….
it’s a living
Well this can only end well.
“Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.”
― Alan Moore, Watchmen
is that woman wearing one high heel. that has to be hard to do
One leg might be shorter.
Why is my avatar a gidy masked girl?
Im a dude! Give me some credit here.
*sigh* you put on womens chlotes ONCE and it will haunt you for life.
you need a Geravatar account. Pick your own avatar
it’s fashion