V10 – Pg30
We call this page Daddy Issues.
So, we finally meet Jordana’s dad and he’s… okay I’m not going to say who her dad is but if you’ve been reading the comic for any length of time you probably already guessed. Don’t read the comments if you don’t want to know. But you should go back and read the older issues as they are awesome.
When you read the training sequence imagine it is an awesome training montage from an 80’s movie. I went looking for the training sequence of Rocky III on YouTube because I remembered loving it. And of course it features, “Eye of the Tiger” the greatest training sequence song of all time. But after watching it I realized my favorite training sequence was actually Mr. T. as Clubber Lang from the same film. I found a clip it seemed very short. But you can go on YouTube and search for Mr T – Rocky 3 training. But after you go back and read all of the previous issues of Vanguard.
– Gary
I really enjoy drawing these older, war-torn characters. There’s so much you can work with to make them look good, visually.
– Dan
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
See you next time, Van-Fans!
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Pity? Its pity that held bilbos hand n stuff frodo.
Nice trees and bit of orange
Thanks! When in doubt, stick in oranges trees 🙂
Hm… She’s not mentioning Nara as of yet.
She’s not mentioning Nara in what respect?
In any. I would have expected something along the lines of “Did you know Nara left? She wants to do some actual fighting for the cause.”
Though that might easily be a follow up of her question here.
Tell me he’s wearing the uniform under there and he’ll throw off his cloak dramatically when its time for the shit to go down!
Shit is going to go down pretty soon so you’ll have to wait and see what’s under the cloak. Hint: It’s not what a Scotsman wears under his kilt.
I went back and read the last 2 issues. If it was his uniform the collar would be half red. It looks like the same shirt as she is wearing just with long sleeves.
Another question here: Is that a standard medical splint supporting his knee… Or is it the Batman version?
Good reason
Is it? Gosh, you’re easy.
Even if it was not obvious, Dan *did* drop an extra hint elsewhere on the site 😉
Did I!? Where? I’m curious! 🙂
It has been edited now but originally the page mentioned our father under the Characters tag 😛
And the cast page revealed a (now edited) recent appearance 😀
man. Dan is a jerk.
blush….. party pooper me but is that not the wrong leg? Wasn’t he injured in the right knee?
Ha ha! You’re totally right! DOH!
I’ve flipped those panels now. I was convinced it was the other leg.
While we’re on the subject of corrections, in the first speech bubble “Get in a bit of a scrap” would be more grammatically correct.