V10 – Pg37
The Calm
I know the weather is stormy but this is still the calm before the storm. One final peaceful moment before all hell breaks loose. Poor Kena, she really should have taken a minute to enjoy her fairy cake.
– Gary
This issue was originally going to end on page 39, but we’re going to insert another page, bumping it up to 40. Phew
– Dan
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Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
You… can’t be serious.
Do you not see all the creepy armed soldiers around??
Actually, there’s only one guy who seems like he may have a gun. The security guy with the pouches and what may or may not be a holster strapped to his leg. (It seems likely that it is). The rest of the armoured guys are just holding platters of cake.
I bet Kena’s still about to become a fatal victim of over zealous protectors – or a mean-tempered protectee.
You mean Nara? Pretty sure Kena’s the little girl with Jordana atm.
Awwwww….crap. Things are about to get… messy.
Someone’s about to get pied
the expression: “Lets throw a handfull into the fan and see how far it sprays” comes to mind.
Did Jordana just pop Nara’s cherry?
Aand while I was expecting this ever since I saw Nara’s choice of pie, I’d still say it’s a bad idea.
this is going to be bad. and if the pies ARE poisoned and one of the rich girls get sick, or worse, it’s going to get really Really REALLY bad
Wow… This is possibly the worst idea that any character has ever had in this story. I have a feeling that a LOT of people are going to die in the next few comics.