V10 – Pg38
The Storm
I think this page kind of speaks for itself.
– Gary
Two more pages before the end of the issue and things are getting intense. I’ll be taking a little break between issues to catch up on uploading VANGAURD back issues onto Comixology as well as working on the script to the next issue with Gary.
In other news, I’ll be appearing on a weekly podcast, starting from next week. Will post full details on Friday. I AM VERY EXCITE.
– Dan
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Yep, as expected – death by mean-tempered protectee. Wasn’t expecting her to not even get to throw the pie though.
Everyone else is too shocked to react, but that won’t last long. This is about to get uglier.
Uglier? You mean more beautiful, no?
I wonder if sudden lightning strikes fall under Woden’s power set ? Weather is nature related….
Well it has escalated
Oh shit… I kind of expected something awful, but to not even get to throw the pie? Vi must have been in a VERY bad mood.
Wow, it’s not every day a scene makes you want to kill a child.
I didn’t know Joffrey had a twin sister… BURN THE WITCH!!!
things are getting good 😀 bring on the vengeance
same here it!
“Viii…! That kills people!”
But yep, it going down this way was somewhat unexpected. And from the look of the moderators not only to us readers.
And did I get this right? This is broadcast live? No delay to cut, cover or bleep out certain things?
Correct. Watching Ginny is a live show.