And then there was one

There is only one page left in Book 11 and then Dan and I will take a wee break to get book 12 in order. I’m sorry that Nara died. It was not a decision we arrived at lightly. In fact, someone else was supposed to die but they got cut from the story entirely. Perhaps they will show up at a later date. A lot of people in the comments have been suggesting that the pies are poisoned. Believe me if they wanted to kill the people in the settlement there are quicker and easier ways for them to do it. It was meant to be a token of good will, a good deed. But you know what they say about good deeds… 

– Gary


One more page before the end of the issue and things are getting intense. I’ll be taking a little break between issues to catch up on uploading VANGUARD back issues onto Comixology as well as working on the script to the next issue with Gary.

In other news, The Awesome Comics Podcast is here!. Click the link for full details!

– Dan

As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic


Art, writing, etc.

Edited/written by
Gary Cohen