V11 – Pg13
Bigshots, Head Shots, and Spotlights
This will certainly be addressed in comic very soon but I did want to take a minute to address it here as well. Some people seem to think that Barrage a Trois is not very tough if he can be killed by a handgun. A couple thoughts on that.
Barrage is a lot bigger, stronger, and faster than a normal guy. He’s not just as strong as three men, he’s probably closer to as strong as 10. And he’s a lot more resilient, too. But at the end of the day he’s still flesh and bone. If Pendragon had shot him in the forehead it certainly would have bounced off.
But how thick can skin really get? Elephant hide? Did you know that the area behind the elephant’s left front leg is pretty thin where its leg rubs against its chest? You know what’s right behind that spot? The elephant’s heart. That’s how bow hunters kill elephants. Go look on YouTube.
Pendragon has chosen to shoot Barrage through the eye. Now I’m no elephant doctor but I don’t think an elephant’s eye is any more resilient that mine. Your eye is a delicate sensory organ and behind it is a hole that leads directly to your brain, which is another delicate organ. Your cornea is a thin flexible lens. That’s how you’re able to focus. If Barrage’s cornea is 10 times thicker than it’s supposed to be I’m pretty sure he’d be blind. Or at least have limited vision.
So now we have a bullet penetrating a brain and coming into contact with that super hard skull. I can only assume this bullet is not bouncing around inside that skull turning the brain to jelly.
When Lord de Tonnerre set out to visit the settlement they didn’t really expect any trouble. His back-up team is one step up from mall cops. They have lightweight armor and sidearms. They didn’t even pack Barrage’s big boy pants! And the last thing they expected was Pendragon, possibly the most highly trained soldier in the world. And not only is Pendragon physically enhanced, he has the cast iron balls to stand his ground and take and make the shot that kills a charging Barrage a Trois.
Once Vince dies, it disrupts the matrix that is Barrage a Trois. So the next two headshots are against basically human heads.
We talked a lot about this scene when we were writing it. We really appreciate your comments and readership.
– Gary
Gary has said it way better than I could 😉
Lot of exciting stuff coming up. Stay tuned!
– Dan
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Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
I just want to add let me know if you have any thoughts about how tough the skin on Power Man or Colossus’ ballsack would be?
You know, Colossus seems more steel plating than literally steel skin; if Marvel said that he generated an armor plate over that entire area, I wouldn’t question them. They won’t say that, because they won’t go there, but still.
They may have retconned it but I was always taught that Colossus was made of living steel. Although it was not steel as much as some other metal. I’m not going to look it up.
I’ll say one thing, Pen’s a DAMN good shot!
Seven rounds, seven headshots???
You’d make 47 think twice before challenging you
he is a damned good shot.
Good thing he has the armor
Good explanation, that helps clear things up.
I agree with Cain, the explanation just makes sense. On the other hand, without being in the comic itself, I considered Barage as scary and probably a threat to all normies, but Pendagon seemed like having a really easy time taking him down, afterall.
In the Vanguard world, this would probably work to make him look really really cool and badass, though. Live on telly and all ^^
In 1982 Bob Layton wrote a Hercules mini series where we learn that Hercules just loves fighting and in fact considers it a gift to fight people. That’s sort of the mindset that Pendragon has these days (because he’s a little crazy to be honest). Pendragon is like Batman/Wolverine/Captain America level hand to hand combat guy. And I think that complete lack of fear goes a long way.
Another Kirby creation, “OMAC” for One Man Army Corp in a future time is as his name says, he can fight an army single handed even with armor. He has this huge rigid Mohawk.
With that pose in the second panel, he looks like the hero from the videogame Super Ghosts n’ Goblins.