V11 – Pg16
Brave New World
Welcome to the headquarters of brāvnüwərd.net! They are sort of an underground newspaper/website/clearinghouse of information. Think of them as sort of like Vice or Pro Publica mixed with The Guardian or Der Spiegel. They are not super hackers. I promise we will never have a scene in Vanguard where someone types really fast on a keyboard and then says, “I’m in!”. Although you have to love this classic scene of two people typing on one keyboard to defeat hackers.
We might do that.
– Gary
Great news everyone!
VANGUARD issue five was approved to run on Comixology!
Click the cover to go and check it out
Have a great day!,
– Dan
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Great page
Hollywood computer action. Rarely do they use a mouse. Just typing so fast is suppose to show them “doing something no matter how inane and pointless it really is. “Mr. Robot” uses real hackers typing out real code to set up programs to run.