V11 – Pg21
Up, up and away!
Increase in powers? Hmmm. Looks like Luke will be packing a bit more of a punch from now on…
– Dan
Also – Great news everyone!
I’ll be appearing at London Super Comic Con this February. I’ll be at the Awesome Comics Podcast table with fellow hosts Vince (Red Mask) Hunt and Tony (Down The Tubes) Esmond. I’ll sell copies of VANGUARD book one (which went to the printer today) as well as prints and sketchbooks. I’ll post up the table number as soon as I know what i is. Pop along and say ‘hello’ if you’re there.
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
10 to 1 Max will want a rematch.
I wonder if we will see Maxia again…..
Thing is, Luke could have done some real damage if he has just kept pouring on the BBQ last time. He gave him 2rd degree burns last time, but now he’d probably take his head off.
Words aren’t going to stop him, hope he stays safe
there comes a point where one has to stop hiding and take action.
Spitfire is more like Jetfire now
– I like that name. Shame it’s taken though!
That just means he has to kill the current Jetfire.
Isn’t the current one an alien robot in another series/universe
I know a cool name which would be appropriate, former name Spitfire…new name, Meteor. Both WW2 fighter aircraft but the Meteor was the first jet fighter.
So would he qualify as an alpha now? He’s got the background to allow for it. He’d also be one of a very few, even in comparison with the already low numbers of alpha there were before. And maybe the only one not under control.
Alpha isn’t a status, it’s a brand. It’s a specific, very expensive program to give someone an extremely powerful suite of abilities. Luke’s powers are natural, and it’s possible that his flight speed and firepower exceed that of an Alpha at this point, but even though his powers apparently include SOME durability if he could tank that fall, I doubt that he’s as tough or physically strong as an Alpha.
Luke, up in the sky!
– with diamonds? Does a Beatles lyric work here – heh