V11 – Pg32
The Hunt Begins
Spoiled brat and borderline psychopath Violet takes her frustrations out on not only the (poor) dog, but on Guy, dirty and rain soaked, dressed in a silly Fox outfit. So here she is, in her red riding outfit, hunting a dude dressed as a fox.
Two (ish) pages left on we’re done with issue issue 11!
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Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Kicking the poor dog? Oh that is IT, that little C*nt needs to die in the most painful way imaginable. Shes worse than Joffrey Baratheon.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KickTheDog generally not invoked so blatantly.
Boy, they better fix that wifi soon…
Welp, that’s it for Guy. Unless the little psycho gets distracted or he gets rescued, she’s gonna find him and kill him.
I’d like to see Guy grow a pair and strangle the little twat !
Me too! 🙂
Congratulations on making a character more despicable than Joffrey. Oh if only Pendragon had gotten his hands on her. We can only hope…
That is a child that should not be allowed to survive to puberty.
Foxguy aint too smart. He was right next to small child that threatened to kill him. Taking the weapon wouldve been the thing to do.
The man has no back bone. Gonads do not make you stand upright. But maybe a shot of adrenaline and steroids might make that mouse into a lion and kill that homicidal brat. Though she might be saved, but it looks like the family let her be what she wants to be;a dreadful and soon to murderer with definite sociopathic tendencies.