V12 – Britlaw Advert
Would a privatized police force ever be workable? We’ve seen in play out in issue 10, when Guy is robbed, yet his coverage doesn’t save him.
This mock ad is a homage to an old comic/ad that ran in Viz magazine:
Would a privatized police force ever be workable? We’ve seen in play out in issue 10, when Guy is robbed, yet his coverage doesn’t save him.
This mock ad is a homage to an old comic/ad that ran in Viz magazine:
sadly this is the kind of direction the numpties elected here in septic land. Privatize everything! SMH, I’d take to drink but I’ve got good taste and even mediocre single malt isn’t cheap.
I guess murder is special order investigation because the person with the coverage died.
Meh, it’s not that much different to how it actually is in many countries, even developed ones, especially the US. If you’re at or below the poverty line and living in a working-class or worse neighborhood, you’ll be lucky to have the police come out for anything less than someone getting murdered.
Basically, the higher your income, and the better the class of neighborhood you live in, the better “service” you get from the police. Finally, if you’re wealthy enough, you can hire private security to guard your person and possessions 24/7/365.
First time (I think) I really commented on your comic. While I get the point here, I have to say that government run police are equally as bad and can be as quickly corrupted by the money. How it’s “supposed” to be set up here in the U.S. is the people elect their representative as sheriff and then that representative upholds the law and hires deputies. Law Enforcement, however, has become another arm of the military industrial/corporate complex unfortunately. Many in law enforcement are now given the idea they are the overseers of society so to speak and simply enforce laws, often frivolous ones rather than “protect and serve.” Again, this is government run police, even at the local level. So in reality both extremes become problematic.
Apologies! – I missed your comment!
What I was going for here, is a Police force that has effectively become corrupted and is ultimately a reflection of the kleptocracy that now runs things. Certainly, as you’ve mentioned, both forms of policing are susceptible to a corrupting influence. I would hate to see that day that the police force is run more like a military than one of civil service, but I fear those days fast approach… if they are not hear already.
Thanks for commenting, Leroy!
Thanks for responding. Looking back at my comment, I think I was probably replying to The MacNut more than the comic itself. As I said, I pretty much get where you were coming from in the comic as both privatization and federally run anything is susceptible to corruption and that your general point was corruption.
As far as the militarization of police in the U.S. It’s already happening and it’s part of the larger problem to what’s going on over here, but I suspect we are not the only place in the “West” that it is happening. It’s sort of a mixture of privatization as I said with the military industrial/commercial complex and federal support, etc.