V12 – Pg21
Look Out!!
The Wolfshead/Jordana ain’t having any of this. But she sure shouldn’t have turned her back on young Violet!
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God DAMN it, little girl! Push your luck!
*sigh* I knew it.
Woden’s going to pull a heroic sacrifice, isn’t he?
I was right, she’s not a murderer, but the next few panels will make her into one……..
Or she’ll become the “adorable” Violet’s latest victim.
If Jordana killed Violet before, it would NOT have been murder. It would have been a just kill. Violet has been repeatedly shown to be a cruel, sadistic sociopath who has murdered innocent people on multiple occasions. Killing her would have been justice served against her previous crimes, and it would prevent her from murdering more innocent people in the future.
You have to stop thinking of Violet as a little girl here. She’s not. She’s a murderous monster in human form. If you show her compassion or mercy, what’ll she do with it? Try to kill you. As shown in this strip, where Violet attempts to kill Jordana after Jordana stays her hand.
Now, with Violet attempting to kill Jordana (again)? Jordana killing Violet is even more justified. Killing Violet would additionally count as self-defense in this case.
“You have to stop thinking of Violet as a little girl here. She’s not.”
No, you don’t. You can love her all you like and think it’s a terrible thing for her to be killed… and still advocate killing her, as it’s the lowest body count available.
Don’t just think of her – think of her VICTIMS, of which there will be many more if you leave her alive.
Heck, just ONE more, just preventing ONE of her already many murders would justify killing her – the body count stays the same, only switching an innocent for a guilty. That’s a win.
Don’t sugar coat it. The truth can handle being the truth.
Jack R
September 25, 2016, 5:17 pm | Reply
You have to stop thinking of Violet as a little girl here. She’s not. She’s a murderous monster in human form.
That is how you can kill, just train your people that they aren’t killing other people. Call them monsters or slopes or hajis and it becomes easier. A mind control for the soldiers to become murderers for war. Brain washing and you know it well. Humans can be so easily hypnotized when they want to. It is just that they aren’t deprogrammed for civilian life.
told ya she was a little monster that needs to die…this just proves the point.
Well, Jordana has certainly proved herself to have more scruples then her quarry, good for her.
Its just a shame that Ginny is so desperate to re-enact the tale of the farmer and the viper.
For those unfamiliar with the story of the farmer and the viper, here’s a summary of it from wikipedia:
“The story concerns a farmer who finds a viper freezing in the snow. Taking pity on it, he picks it up and places it within his coat. The viper, revived by the warmth, bites his rescuer, who dies realizing that it is his own fault.”
The basic moral of the story is that pity is wasted on evil, because evil will just use the vulnerability provided by your pity to harm you.
@Analt: In this case wouldn’t it be Jordana trying to re-enact the tale? Here Violet (the murdering little psychopath with the crossbow) is the viper, and Jordana (the wolfshead) would be the farmer, showing her mercy. And we’re already seeing the viper trying to bite the farmer in panel 5.
But vipers or scorpions are not “evil’ at all. So for me the story fails ethically and we get into the false idea of eugenics and pre-born patterns of the rich and poor, good an bad etc. It just doesn’t stand up to scientific scrutiny. She was practically trained in this attitude by parents who let their daughter act any way she wants without discipline. Now if she has some sociopathic tendencies they did nothing about it. It has been found that unlike psychopaths, sociopaths are more likely to be this way. Open and a mess and dangerous.