Will she? WILL SHE!!!

I’m quite pleased with that ‘SHLAP!’ sound effect πŸ™‚

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I’d received some great news regarding the comic. Well, I applied to join the Spiderforest collective, asking if VANGUARD could join the group and hooray! it was accepted!

If you’re a new reader find this comic thorough Spiderforest, welcome!

I heartily recommend jumping all the way back to issue one and going form there OR you can jump back to issue ten, as that serves as a good ‘getting on point’ for the current arc.

BTW, Thanks for all the comments folks. I try my best to respond to as many as possible. I DO read them all and appreciate everyone of them. I’m going to be doing a poster/sketchbook give away in the next few weeks, so keep ’em peeled.

VANGUARD updates on Wednesdays and Fridays, BUT if you’re a Patreon of the comic, you’ll get a week’s worth of the comic ahead of the main site PLUS the daily sketch updates PLUS the chance to win an art commission.

What a great deal, eh? So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?



Please spare a moment to sling the comic a vote on TWC. It helps new readers find the comic – Thank you!

An upvote for this page on Reddit would be most appreciated. Thank you!