V12 β Pg20
Will she? WILL SHE!!!
I’m quite pleased with that ‘SHLAP!’ sound effect π
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I’d received some great news regarding the comic. Well, I applied to join the Spiderforest collective, asking if VANGUARD could join the group and hooray! it was accepted!
If you’re a new reader find this comic thorough Spiderforest, welcome!
I heartily recommend jumping all the way back to issue one and going form there OR you can jump back to issue ten, as that serves as a good ‘getting on point’ for the current arc.
BTW, Thanks for all the comments folks. I try my best to respond to as many as possible. I DO read them all and appreciate everyone of them. I’m going to be doing a poster/sketchbook give away in the next few weeks, so keep ’em peeled.
VANGUARD updates on Wednesdays and Fridays, BUT if you’re a Patreon of the comic, you’ll get a week’s worth of the comic ahead of the main site PLUS the daily sketch updates PLUS the chance to win an art commission.
What a great deal, eh? So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?
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Don’t give in, you’re better than that, better than HER
Crush her legs, break her spine, CRIPPLE her
Make her feel as helpless as you did…..
But don’t kill her, don’t give her the satisfaction of making you become that same as she is………….
Executing a murderer is not the same thing as becoming a murderer, else all executioners should be executed.
Nah, kill her. She’ll just grow up to be yet another rich entitled monster, maybe with a homicidal grudge against the “lower classes” for tonight’s humiliation on top of that. Kill her now, to save the lives of those who’ll likely die at her hands later.
DO IT! but slap her around some more first.
Nah- save her as a playtoy for the wolves and Herne
Now I’m actually torn. I’m not sure she should kill Ginny… She’s better than that, right?
“Better” like Batman is “better”, keeping the Joker alive to murder more innocent people later? I don’t really care for that kind of “better”, thanks.
Yes….Strike her down with all your rage and hatred and she and her ilk will become more powerful than you could ever imagine. You will also have to butcher the rest of her family, the guards oh and fox guy because……….lets face it you cant have witnesses who happen to pay for their way of life saying “oh by the way it was a so called heroes daughter and ex vanguard who killed a child”. They can say and state anything.
Cripple or wound her? Just as bad as you will then have them hunt you still and of course having a rich psychopath you happened to maim after you, your friends and family to torture you all for the rest of your soon to be short life…..
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Kill the monster, become the monster, spare the monster be hunted by the monster.
That little monster has no regard for human life. Kill her before she can kill again.
The killing must end because the more you get into the muck and darkness the more you will be no different from those you fight against. Nietzsche’s warning about when you fight monsters, don’t become a monster yourself stands. The little girl is a test case. Killing her would stop her from a probable life as a killer for the state. She has little chance of getting any kind of therapy and maybe brain surgery to end her short life’s violent period.