V14 – Pg24
So Malakai got it all a bit mixed up. Having been told his future would be through The Wolfhead, he presumed he had to slay her. However, her touch has granted him a vision of what he sought. London in flames and the city in ruins!
Malakai has quite the back story and eagle eyed readers will have seen him pop up in a few other issues of VANGUARD. If you want to spot him, look for the guy in purple with spiky black hair 😉
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I was right, sort of…I think I need a bit of a lay down now. Because, I’m never right. I mean it’s right there in the rules of this universe “Keith is never right, ever”.
Well that was unexpected
Hah, a nice twist. Poor London, it already got fairly wrecked during one super battle a while back in the comic. This sounds like its going to be a Kid Miracle Man level of disaster though.
Ha, I thought maybe he was doing a ‘suicide by cop’