V14 – Pg28
Lets Get Ready to Rumble!
Old Pinky pops out of her trance just in time to see The Wolfshead, flanked by the Wight Wytch and Malakai, come charging out of the Cathedral ready for a fight!
And that’s it for the year! VANGUARD will be back in 2018. I hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year! I really appreciate everyone supporting and reading the comic. You’re the reason I do it 🙂
As part of the Collective of Heroes, each year we do a Secret Santa art swap. Here’s what I received from Aidan over from SCAPULA
Awesome eh?
Great image to finish the year with! Looking forward to the ensuing mayhem, but also to more revelations about Malaki’s past and Herne’s plans
If by “making a break for it” you mean “coming to break your face”, then yeah.
I wonder what ole Pinky is crushing in the vision, its obviously taken her aback somewhat. Plus Im looking forward to seeing her do battle her. Ive grown rather fond of this flabby pink juggernaut. I love how against type she is, like in the movie Sky high where the fat kid was the one with superspeed and not someone who looked like a marathin runner.
“Round is a shape.”
I agree with your whole comment.
Your Sky High example is good, as would be a mention of Mr Incredible – hard to stay in shape when almost nothing is actually a work out, eh?
She doesnt have the benfit the Thing always had in the FF of Reed Making superpowerful workout epuipment for Ben to use. Maybe they could invest in a Danger Room at least lol.