Hello once again!

First off, let me address some of the comments made on the previous page. In regards story/pacing, yep it’s moving at breakneck speed. There will be a slow down and a chance to flesh out characters. I’m relatively new to webcomics, well, writing them at least. I’ve still got a lot to learn but as with my artwork, I think one can see an improvement since issue one.

Now, today’s page.

Up through the atmosphere. Up where the air is clear

KingSword still has some fight left in him! You go, man!

Can you spare a moment to upvote this page on Reddit? It’s a good way to reach potential readers – Thanks in advance!

Vanguard usually updates twice a week (Wednesday and Friday), but it’s only updating once a week for the next few weeks. I’m currently drawing pages over at Reynard City and I only have a TWO more to do before I’m done. Hooray!


Edited by
Gary Cohen
Who also produces the Excellent Mallville Rules comic – Go read!