V09 – Pg15
‘Good news everyone!’ – You read that in Professor Farnsworth’s voice, right? Next week, Vanguard goes back to two pages a week, updating on both Wednesdays and Fridays. Hooray!
Back to today’s page: Gradlon decides no amount of money is enough to sit idle while his friends are taken out. Time to even the odds!
I can never come up with stuff to write in this section… instead, I’ll ask YOU, the reader, if you make a webcomic. If so, fire off a link and I’ll check it out.
Can you spare a moment to upvote this page on Reddit? It’s a good way to reach potential readers – Thanks in advance!
Edited by
Gary Cohen
Who also produces the Excellent Mallville Rules comic – Go read!
You can sell your soul but buying it back often costs you more than you ever thought you would have to pay. Gradlon is about discover the terrible cost of inaction, for evil to flourish good men only need to do nothing. I get the feeling that Kingsword is going to either take Maxxtreme into space and not let go or this is going to get messy.
True. His inaction has already cost the Vanguard dearly. Will he be able to redeem himself?
I’m sure he will. I’m also sure it’ll cost him his life in the bargain – that’s usually how these things go…
Hi Dan. Do I have a comic? You know I do, but for your readers, check out http://www.sunday-superheroes.com b
Indeed I do know! I’ve done a pic for it 🙂
I recommend that readers check it out asap!
Time to jump
Go Gradlon!
about time!!!
but… is it to late!? NEVER!
I like the perspective work on panell 4. Nice page!
I kind of feel like there’s a panel missing between 2 and 3 or 1 and 2. We see Gradlon staring at the money, but there’s a lack of internal conflict on display. Maybe it’s just me.
But donbionicle, keep in mind he’s been staring at this money since they left. They’ve been gone a long time.
It’s one of the problems with a weekly webcomic. It was only 10 (or so) pages ago when he was torn up about taking the money which, when read back to back, would work. But with the weeks and weeks in between, it doesn’t so much.
Does that make sense?
He could just… take the money anyway.
It’s cash, not a check. Say it must have blown out the aircraft window.