As I imagine a few of had suspected, The Prime Minister wasn’t going to be around much longer. I also imagine that a lot of readers are also thinking ‘WTF is going on!?’ Never fear. The answers to your questions are coming…

This issue ended up being a bit of a beast. 36 pages and counting. There’s three more being worked on, but I’m going to add in another page to make it an even 40. After that, the comic will undergo a metamorphosis of sorts. Interesting times ahead!

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I’m currently doing a sale on commissions – 50% off! Huzzah! Why not commission me to draw YOUR comicbook character… or you as a comicbook character? Head over to the Commissions page for more details.


The Vanguard Patreon account is up and running. Starting next issue, all Patreon donors will see pages 24hrs before regular readers. If you enjoy reading this comic, please consider donating a $1. It all helps. Thank you!

Also, I made a trailer video for the comic. Huzzah!


Edited by
Gary Cohen