V09 – Pg36
As I imagine a few of had suspected, The Prime Minister wasn’t going to be around much longer. I also imagine that a lot of readers are also thinking ‘WTF is going on!?’ Never fear. The answers to your questions are coming…
This issue ended up being a bit of a beast. 36 pages and counting. There’s three more being worked on, but I’m going to add in another page to make it an even 40. After that, the comic will undergo a metamorphosis of sorts. Interesting times ahead!
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Edited by
Gary Cohen
Daaaan! That was the prime minister!!
That’s gotta scare/rile up a few people, eh?
Given the state of the country shown so far, more will be saying “about bloody time!”
This new villain looks pretty damn evil!
What’s even better, is that he’s pretty easy to colour – a two colour costume. Hooray! 🙂
Its seems that Daedalus isn’t at the top of the food chain.
Is that him… or someone else?!
Great page
Thanks Eric!
Seems like a lot of work just to kill this one man. But for one the Vanguard was just as much a target here, it would seem. And they wanted to make a show of it, a rather flashy one. Gotta make an impact on the general public I guess to get whatever they want to. (I’ve got a few ideas, but nothing I would want to say with the current amount of information yet.)
The objective of the ‘baddies’ will be explored more as the story unfolds. I imagine having all this go down will pretty much kill any goodwill the public had remaining.
that seems like a waste of a meta human. they called that guy “the disciple”. that makes me wander if that is actually Daedalus or some poor grunt who has been remade in his image.
Ah ha! Indeed! Is Daedalus even real? We shall see…
Things are getting interesting indeed… I love that this series has just not done what I thought it should. Massive character death is hard to pull off this well!
Thank you! I’m currently writing a bit of text to run at the end of this ish, as a sort of cap off point.
I’ll try to to explain my reasonings for doing what i’ve done…
It seems like an inordinate amount of trouble to capture the PM to then just kill him, even if they broadcast his being murdered live on TV.
I’m sure the captured PM could have been useful as a bargaining chip.
What a waste.
As the story progresses, you’ll see why the ‘baddies’ have done what they have done… It’ll make sense.
something occurs to me. so far almost every meta who has worked for/with the hollow men has ended up dead often killed either by them or other allies of theirs. they’ve created a virus that kill the strongest known class of meta. now any of those trained solider could have broken the PM’s neck just as easy, but they made a point of filming the “obvious meta” doing the deed. And lastly except for Daedalus, who has really done anything all that super-human, all of the hollowmen seem to be ordinary soldiers, albeit with some exceptional gear, despite the fact that super power can be bought in this world and they clearly have abundant resources. I’m starting to wonder if their vision of the future includes a purging of metas