V10 – Pg34
Ah Lord de Tonnere and his brood have arrived at the settlement to “rap” with his “peeps”. One of the advantages of being old, out of touch, and uncool is I find the Lord incredibly easy for me to write. So, anyways Lord de Tonnere has just stopped by to smooth everything out and he’s brought presents! (they’re on the next page) I think things are going really well so far.
– Gary
Heads up Van-Fans! I’ve started doing a new ‘thing’ on Twitter, where once a week, those that retweet new VANGUARD pages are in with a chance to win a custom sketch! Huzzah!
Last week’s winner was Bret Juliano, who’s requested a drawing of his character from his comic Dust Bunnies
Good morning @DustBunnyMafia– Here is your #VanguardRTreward, Vic the Lead! pic.twitter.com/0OhOXUWoPV
— Dan Butcher (@VanguardComic) June 16, 2015
Yeah, so follow me on Twitter to be in with a chance!
– Dan
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
See you next time, Van-Fans!
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
i’m guessing there’s a catch to the presents…the rest of them can only have the gifts if they rat out the poacher.
aren’t we cynical? Can’t a Lord be magnanimous?
Lord de Tonnere really has no idea what is considered cool, do he? That or whoever briefed him on what he should say REALLY should be fired. Also, poor Guy… to be seen like that in public.
I feel like this is one of Guy’s lesser humiliations in this job.
“Also, poor Guy… to be seen like that in public”
Considering his choices were that or jail, well. Of course once Queenie really sets into him, he may look back fondly on his prison stretch…
true dat.
Not that it would be the Lord’s fault, but I’m currently anticipating at the least a dozen casualties.
Not really the fault, or at least intent of the Lord I guess. But I’m currently anticipating at the least a dozen casualties from this.
Well I watched the film John Wick last night and it looked like a Pixar film compared to what’s coming up. Kidding. Mostly.
Ooh.. John Wick. Just bought the dvd. As far as action/revenge movies go, definitely a good one!
I’ve not seen that one yet myself. Heard a lot good things about it though
Doesn’t look like they are happy
Well some are unhappy but I think overall they’re bemused.