V11 – Pg01
Book 11
We are off and running. I know most of you figured out that Pendragon was coming back last issue, but… Pendragon is back damn it! And not just Pendragon but a whole bunch of folks from the original series including some you probably forgot about. We have so many exciting things planned for this issue and this story arc. Just hold on and enjoy the ride!
– Gary
Welcome back (properly). Echoing what Gary said, this issue is gonna be a corker! Also, I was interviewed for the Games And Graphics podcast. They’re a great bunch of guys. Go take a listen HERE. I talk VANGUARD, explaining some of the creative decisions and direction.
In other news, The Awesome Comics Podcast is here!. Click the link for full details!
– Dan
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Super speed? Check. Named Luke? Check. Seems likely… 😉
He’s alive! We’ll find out how he survived the assault by MaXtreme and what’s he been up too soon.
YES!!! Spitfire is back! And he’s gay? Huh.
Both he and Hatcher have raised The girl… so they’re both her surrogate dads.
You may have forgotten who found Luke while carrying a baby (who is one of the vanguards ex members niece).
Possibly, but not certainly. They all had to live together for secrecy’s sake, so they’re both dad from the girl’s point of view, but not necessarily each others. Nice aprons, though.
well he got one…and they’ve got power armor… no bad
I get the feeling he’s in the process of adding two more to the list.
Good to see the double broken arms and reverse belly flop into a car from umpteen feet didn’t mess Spitfire up to badly. Gotta love super-durability.
He’s a tough lad… and he’ll need to be in the coming story!