V11 – Pg07
It’s Just A Flesh Wound!
Pendragon has a sword! If I had thought about it, I would have had Pendragon start off fighting left handed à la Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride. Now that Barrage has proven to be super strong and not just super ugly, Pendragon has drawn his weapon. In addition to being a world class fighter Pendragon is a master tactician. And that includes conserving his strength (since at this point it’s Pendragon vs. everyone).
I always find it odd in comics when the hero just assumes his new adversary has super strength or is nigh invulnerable, and just starts beating the crap out of them. You would think Spiderman or Superman would constantly overestimate the resilience of new villains and find themselves punching clean through someone’s head. I for one think the only reason Superman has a cape is to wipe the blood off of his hands.
If you faced an unknown opponent, would you feel them out or just go at them full on?
– Gary
Again, thanks for taking the time to comment. It really makes my day to see people engaging with the story.
If you want to see a shit load of sketches designs I’ve done for Barrage, check out the Patreon page.
Also, I’ll be uploading THIS soon:
If you want an insight on how I colour my work/pages, I’d really recommend taking a look. The layered PSD file will show you a LOT and the accompanying PDF will explain how/why/what is going on within the image.
– Dan
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Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Ahhh yes, the good ol’ Sword and Board tactic 😀
What problems are there that a sword can’t fix? lol
Any problem you need a hammer for.
That’s why I dual-wield!
I like how only the middle guy is really worried about his severed digits. The others are kind of like “Hey! our peripheral vision is pretty bad, why does our hand hurt?”
I’m not sure how Barrage’s brain works. It’s possible that the only “head” that cares is the one directly connected to that hand. Or maybe there’s a head that is simply more connected, or a head in charge of managing pain?
I propose invasive surgery to find out. Pendragon already has the knife, I see.
This campsite is a operating table…
Gotta love some Dark Knight Returns references 🙂
Somehow I wonder about what their internal discussions are like.
Oh No, aw God! Put some pants on! Even Hulk had pants on when Hulking out.
Censor needed in panel 3, censor to panel 3.
Imagine if the started popping out while fighting… Urgh! THAT’D be off putting!
in theory he could have 3 dicks swingin’
That should stop his charging, hopefully
It might make him angry… maybe Pen shouldn’t have made him angry!?
It also might make him bleed to death if he doesn’t hurry up a little. Not that we would mind.
I think Superman tends to hold back a lot and let the villain get some shots in to figure out what he’s dealing with. I remember a story where Supes was actually sick and managed to talk down some supervillains by explaining that he was going to have a hard time holding his super strength since he was under the weather.
That’s an interesting concept. Supes’ early days would surely have been filled with him accidentally destroying/killing things. Imagine having a short temper, losing it, then realise you’ve done horrific amounts of damage in your rage.
In answer to you’re question. Punch him full force the first time. If he’s still standing afterward then start thinking about how you’re going to outlast him.
So, which of the Eldritch Wonder Triplets is going to come back missing a hand? As far as I can tell, their powers shouldn’t include regeneration.
In the real world, we face that choice any time there is someone threatening us and we are armed. Any time you shoot someone, their death is a significant possibility (even if you shoot them in the leg, or some other such silly movie thing), but any time you do something less than shoot them, they might do something to you.
So, it’s quite simple. Any time I would be justified using deadly force, I would feel justified using deadly force, end of discussion. That doesn’t mean I always WOULD, but generally, when one is justified to use deadly force (especially in am obvious combat situation), it’s a pretty good idea to do so.
Superman is a special case, as very few opponents have the ability to do him harm, so unless they are threatening other people, deadly force is actually a lot harder to justify.
IN the USA genitals would rate more than violence. In the UK and Europe, genitals are fine, its the violence that needs cleaning. I like best of both worlds we find here.
Fighting the evil you should go full on. Though Superman held back for so long it was harder when he came up against a real opponent it took him some time to let loose. “One Punch Man” has the reverse problem. He has trouble holding back and he is desperate for a worthy opponent. He is so powerful, yet so laid back over it because it is boring to him otherwise.