V11 – Pg06
That’s More Like It!
Pendragon is well chuffed that there is finally someone worth fighting! It’s like he’s been on a diet for 15 years and someone dropped a steak dinner in his lap. Although this is a roiling, seething steak dinner… of pain! and he (they) go by the name… Barrage à trois! (Barrage in French actually means a damn or roadblock so it’s cool, right?)
And if you’re wondering what Pendragon collides with go back to the top of this page.
– Gary
Thanks for taking the time to comment. It really makes my day to see people engaging with the story.
If you want to see a shit load of sketches designs I’ve done for Barrage, check out the Patreon page.
Also, next week, I’ll be uploading THIS:
If you want an insight on how I colour my work/pages, I’d really recommend taking a look. The layered PSD file will show you a LOT and the accompanying PDF will explain how/why/what is going on within the image.
– Dan
REDDIT: As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic
Art, writing, etc.
Edited/written by
Gary Cohen
Three on one! Pfft! Pendragon has the strength of TEN because his heart is pure!
Or something.
or something
Leaving so SPOON, Pendragon?!
That’s my kind of dialogue. We may need a rewrite.
It’s ok, just keep things KNIFE and simple.
silver spoons and gift cards ? that is mess up
I drew in some silver mussel shells, for diners who wanted to be a bit classier when eating them. They looked odd though, so I deleted them!
That’ll leave a mark
* puts down folding chair * Dis gon’ be gud. * microwaves some popcorn *
Ha ha! Someone sent me a great Gif of that very thing just this morning.
I’d love to see the public reaction to the police force’s supers beating up a national hero. This will be REALLY good.
The public’s reaction will certainly be interesting. How will they spin this?