V14 – Pg03
First off, let us welcome all the new readers in from the Collective of Heroes. Enjoy the comic. There’s plenty to get stuck into, so go for it!
The Royal Red Coats/Guards initiate another recruitment drive and the folks living in this farmhouse are to now be sequestered into governmental work.
Things in the future look bleak indeed!
If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon page. Soon I’ll be uploading the previous issues in PDF format onto there. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?
Loving the hypocrisy.
Gotta love hypocrisy.
“We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.”
A roof over your head and a meal is a “privilege.” God damn.
Times are tough and not everyone in the country has food and shelter. It’s an insidious way to get people back into the system.
“Resource acquisition and management teams”. Oh, how utterly bloodless bureaucracies are.
Yeah, corporate speak to justify atrocities. Tried to echo similar phrases I’ve come across in my lifetime.
“A jack boot stomping on a human face, forever.” Or however that quote goes.
This is what authoritarianism devolves to, and, even when it’s initially for the best of intentions, recovery from it afterwards is VERY VERY hard. Authoritarians of any stripe never want to give up power.
Indeed. What can be great at solving an immediate problem, left to long, ends up becoming more of an issue than the problem it fixed.
The term “redcoat” will invoke a different visceral response from US and UK readers.