Hello you!

We continue our catch up with Vaughan after his brush with death from the previous issue. Out of the frying pan and into the fire!


I mentioned this on an earlier post (I think), but my portable hard drive (which stopped working only two days ago) was acting up. The script for Vanguard 14 was totally corrupted and I lost some work.

I planned to start posting pages weeks ago, but didn’t want to start drawing without a finished script. Fortunately, I back up my work quite often, so only a few bits were lost (sadly including the ‘previously pages’ that just ran), so it’s not too much bother.


If you’ve enjoyed the comic so far, I post upcoming designs and sketches over on my Patreon page. Soon I’ll be uploading the previous issues in PDF format onto there. So why not help the creation of VANGUARD and throw a few quid/bucks into the pot?


An upvote for this page on Reddit would be most appreciated. Thank you!