V14 – Pg34
Reckless Attacks
Hello there!
Sorry for the late upload. That happens when one forgets one’s portable HD at home. Haha!
The comic con I attended on Saturday was a great success! Check out how I got on here.
And now onto our SPIDERFOREST comics of the week:
Soul’s Journey by Sophie Pf- Trapped in a wolf’s body a prince has to find a way to stop a war.
Children of Eldair by Jemma Young – A sorcerer saves a girl from flesh-eating demons. After trying to use magic to find her friends, he’s trapped in a vision of the past–one that will help him save the world and the girl he loves.
Hehehe you are sooo fired.
Someone just struck out.
Owned, so hard……
“But there is no joy in Mudville…”
ROTFLMAO, dude you got played like a N008!
And thats what sepperates the ninjas from the talented ameteurs mate!