V08 – Pg25
on April 16, 2014
at 9:18 am
Godiva saves the day – hooray!
If you didn’t see the post, Vanguard is in the process of being reviewed over a A Place To Hang Your Cape. Go take a read. Them seem to be enjoying it.
Looking over past pages, there are a number of times in which the artwork looks a bit dodgy, or I’ve made story decisions which I wish I hadn’t. Like a Shark, I think a webcomic creator should constantly be moving forward. Once you stop to go back and re-do pages – Boom! That’s when the troubles starts.
There won’t be an update Friday, it being Good Friday and all, so see you next week. Have a great Easter break!
Please spare a moment to VOTE!
Edited by
Gary Cohen
Great page
Cheers fella!
Mind Control isso very useful to have o your side.
Shame that she can only do it on one person at a time… well, she’d be a bit over powered if she could.
Mind Control is so useful to have on your side. And at this point the Vanguard need all the help they can get!
I guess you always forget there is a face behind those masks and not some robot. Although that would be a neat spin on the whole ‘Hollow’ Men thing.
Yeah, that would be cool. An explanation of what/who they are is forthcoming… and why they are called the Hollow Men.