Punch Drunk Love aka The One Where Pendragon Punches People aka Fight!

Pendragon has been waiting 15 years to really cut loose and I almost feel bad for the other guy. But just like the contractors working on the Death Star, anyone working for Lord de Tonnerre knew the risks when they signed on.

And I wanted to let you know how much we love reading your comments, and how tempted I am to give you more specific answers. But you don’t really want that do you? Wasn’t it fun to find out that Darth Vader was Luke’s dad*? And that Leia was his sister? And that Han and Leia were first cousins? (from one of the books, possibly not canon). But we do read every single comment and try to answer where appropriate. Thanks so much for your support!

*Luke Skywalker, not Luke Ridley. That would be too much.

– Gary

Hello you!

This page was a beast. Rain, crowds, fire… next week we add horses to the mix. Hooray! Ha ha!

Some news regarding VANGUARD updates. For the next few weeks, we’ll only be updating on a Friday. I have a hefty chunk of work drop in my lap that requires a fair bit of time. Once it’s done, we’ll be back to two pages a week. Yuss!

I made a ‘super post’ of recent bits of Pendragon fan-art we’ve received recently. Take a peek. I LOVE receiving fan-art. It totally makes my day!

I’ll be at Melksham Comic-Con this Saturday, so if you see me wandering about, say ‘hello’ 🙂

– Dan



As always, upvotes on Reddit are more than welcome if you enjoyed the page/comic

Art, writing, etc.

Edited/written by
Gary Cohen