V09 – Pg33
So, MaX finally gets some payback from a downed KingSword. That’ll hurt, eh?
The calendar I worked on with AP2HYC is now on sale! It’s packed with ‘geeky’ dates and info about release dates of upcoming films. It can be purchased from Pikcal HERE.
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Edited by
Gary Cohen
Now the other eye! Blind that SOB. He may be incredibly powerful, but that means crap all if he cant see.
I concur with this. Add to the fact he is clearly in pain, and getting the other hand in place shouldn’t be that difficult. Follow it up with some thumb exercises for maXimum damage. (Ok, bad joke there. Don’t shoot me.)
Ouch. His publicity shoots are REALLY gonna have to focus on his good side now…
Eye patch variant figurines.
One of the easier routes to the brain too…..
Go Danny!
That’s gotta hurt.
And may actually lead to even worse damage if he gets a bit of a hold there. Basically anything from only blinded eye, by way of permanent brain damage up to death is still an option here.
I guess his reward for taking his eyes off his opponent in the middle of a fight was, well, his opponent taking his eyes off of him.
eye damage IS brain damage. the eyes are an extension of the brain, there’s a huge trunk of nerves going from each eye, the only way it’d be more traumatic to lose an eye would be it torn out, Kill Bill style
Hehe. I’m touching your brain.
Yay! Now kill him! KILL him!
(I gotta say, you have done a wonderful job of making me hate this guy.)
Somebody doesn’t watch game of thrones. Don’t let your guard down until the enemy is actually dead.
In a Song of Ice and Fire, even death does not insure your enemies are not still going to kill you.
Just a little further!! Soft, squishy brain right behind that eye socket.
Now the other eye
I love the shocked and horrified look on his face. People like max always seem to think that they’re somehow exempt from the kind of pain they inflict on others
and I was half right he did get an eye poked out.
YEAH! TAke his F-ing eye out!! Suffer you piece of *=%#¤”/) eating `)¤/&%&”¤ and #¤”/!
To bad there wasent enought power behind that thumb to go into the brain.
Awful lotta eyeball traua in this story. Of course, Max deserves that and worse!
Now that you point it out, yeah, there’s a fair bit. Didn’t really consider that!